HSF Briefs

POSIB: President urged to act
Author: Kameel Premhid
Published: 09 May 2013
This Brief looks at the passage of POSIB and argues that the President should not sign the Bill.
Briefs Justice
HSF back in Court over Hawks Amendments
Author: Kameel Premhid
Published: 09 May 2013
This Brief outlines the HSF’s impending court challenge over the South African Police Service Amendment Act.
Crime Briefs
Business Licensing Bill
Author: Eythan Morris
Published: 09 May 2013
This Brief summarises some of the aspects of the Business Licensing Bill and considers what it could mean for business. It showcases State and Private Sector views on the Bill and concludes with some comments from the HSF
Economy Briefs
The Right to Basic Education
Author: Anele Mtwesi
Published: 25 Apr 2013
It is widely accepted that education plays a vital role in lifting people out of poverty, empowering women and children, and promoting human rights and democracy. This brief aims to define the right to basic education in South Africa
Education Briefs Protecting Human Rights
Social Security and Opportunity: Growing the Economic Cake
Author: Andre Dumon
Published: 25 Apr 2013
In this brief the concept of increasing social security is looked at as being complimentary rather than opposed to economic growth. The author argues that in order for social security to become more comprehensive in South Africa, it needs to be made more sustainable through increasing economic opportunity so that people may become less dependent on the State for their micro-economic security.
Economy Briefs
Sexual offences in South Africa
Author: Wim Louw
Published: 25 Apr 2013
This article presents some information on the problem of sexual offences, particularly against women, in South Africa. It also outlines government’s response to this problem. This brief represents preliminary research in the HSF’s broader project: Women in Society.
Briefs Social Justice
Electoral Reform – What Political Parties Have To Say
Author: Ashleigh Fraser
Published: 25 Apr 2013
Discussions about electoral reform in South Africa have again come to the forefront over the last few weeks. This brief succinctly discusses the attitudes of four political parties towards electoral reform and how reform may or may not effect change to accountability and representation.
Briefs Politics
The JSC: Guarding the Gatekeepers.
Author: Wim Louw, Kameel Premhid
Published: 22 Apr 2013
This brief raises issues around the JSC methodology.
Briefs Strengthening the Judicial System Justice