HSF Briefs

HSF Takes JSC to Court: Update
Author: Kameel Premhid
Published: 20 Jun 2013
This Brief gives an update on the HSF’s pending court case against the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).
Briefs Strengthening the Judicial System Justice
A Long Walk To Universal Franchise In South Africa
Author: Ashleigh Fraser
Published: 03 Jun 2013
Recently, there has been a debate in the media about universal franchise. This brief outlines the history of the franchise in South Africa before Union (1910) until complete universal adult franchise in 1994.
Briefs Social Justice
Service Delivery: What does the Constitutional Court say?
Author: Kameel Premhid
Published: 23 May 2013
This Brief examines the recent judgment of the Constitutional Court in Rademan v Moqhaka Municipality and Others delivered on 26 April 2013. This case dealt with the non-payment of rates on the grounds of lack of service delivery. The findings of the Court are important for future service delivery disputes of this kind.
Briefs Justice
Hunting for Healthcare: In pursuit of the NHI White Paper
Author: Kate Francis
Published: 23 May 2013
This Brief reports on a recent seminar hosted by the Albertina Sisulu Executive Leadership Programme addressing the progress and challenges facing National Health Insurance. The Brief focuses on the NHI pilot districts, the concept of Universal Coverage, and raises questions about financing healthcare.
Briefs Health
Business Licensing Bill pt. II
Author: Eythan Morris
Published: 23 May 2013
The proposed Business Licensing Bill, which has been lambasted by critics as draconian and impossible to implement, will be significantly redrafted to take account of public submissions, Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies promised last week. This brief examines the new developments.
Economy Briefs
Author: Wim Louw
Published: 23 May 2013
This Brief looks at the concept of Accountability
Briefs Fighting Corruption