HSF Briefs

South Africa’s Local Elections
Author: Wim Louw
Published: 29 May 2014
With the 2014 General elections behind us, it is not too soon to start focusing on Local elections. This brief unpacks the components of South Africa's local elections.
Briefs Politics
South African Entrepreneurship
Author: Eythan Morris
Published: 20 Mar 2014
This Brief examines the South African environment in which entrepreneurship is initiated.
Economy Briefs
Parliament Clarifies ‘Motion of No Confidence’ Rules
Author: Kameel Premhid
Published: 20 Mar 2014
With the release of the Public Protector’s Nkandla Report, questions will arise concerning a possible ‘motion of impeachment’. It is important that Parliament clarifies how ‘motions of no confidence’ should work in light of the Constitutional Court’s Mazibuko ruling.
Briefs Justice
The South African Electoral System
Author: Wim Louw
Published: 20 Mar 2014
This is the first in a series of Briefs dealing with elections in South Africa. This Brief unpacks some of the main components of the South African General Elections.
Briefs Politics
RIP: SADC Tribunal
Author: Kameel Premhid
Published: 20 Mar 2014
The latest ruling by the African Commission of Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR) -that no individual can access the SADC Tribunal as a means of recourse in a dispute with a member state may well be the death blow for that institution. This Brief explains why this is the case.
Briefs International
SAPS Amendment Act Case: Confirmation Proceedings and Application for Leave to Appeal
Author: Luke von der Heyde
Published: 21 Feb 2014
In December 2013, the HSF received favourable judgement in the case of Helen Suzman Foundation v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others. The case involved the HSF’s on-going engagement with the establishment of independent policing and prosecutorial bodies that are sufficiently protected from political interference. The full bench of the Western Cape High Court found certain sections of the SAPS Amendment Act 2012 (the “Amendment Act”) to be unconstitutional to the extent that they undermine the structural and operational independence of the Directorate of Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI – also known as "the Hawks"). The HSF maintains that independent anti-corruption units are a vital part of the institutional State apparatus in South Africa and welcomes the unanimous judgement of the High Court.
Briefs Police