HSF Briefs

Tables Supporting Youth Briefs 1 & 2
Author: Anele
Published: 12 Jan 2017
This report contains four tables supporting the Youth Briefs 1 and 2, headed “STRAIT IS THE GATE: THE MATRIC CONUNDRUM”.
Education Briefs
Developments in the South African energy debate
Author: Anton van Dalsen
Published: 15 Dec 2016
We recently published a set of three briefs on the South African Government’s policy on nuclear power. The Department of Energy has now published a draft new Integrated Resource Plan, whose purpose is to provide the basis for long-term planning in the provision of electricity. This brief aims to provide a succinct summary of the latest developments and, more specifically, to draw attention to the most important issues that have arisen in this process.
Energy Briefs
Author: Chelsea Ramsden
Published: 15 Dec 2016
The South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional, Public, Human Rights and International Law hosted a conference on corruption and human rights. This brief provides an overview of the ideas discussed relating to a human rights approach to addressing corruption effectively.
Briefs Fighting Corruption
Author: Chelsea Ramsden
Published: 02 Dec 2016
This brief is on the pending application before the Pretoria High Court to declare the decision to withdraw from the ICC invalid and it deals with the arguments in support of the application.
ICC Briefs International
Governance at the Strategic Fuel Fund
Author: Anton van Dalsen
Published: 28 Nov 2016
Since press reports first surfaced in May 2016 about the sale of 10 million barrels of crude oil by the Strategic Fuel Fund NPC (SFF) from its strategic reserves, the SFF has received continuous media attention not only on account of that sale but also as a result of its other activities. This brief provides a summary of the current status of the issues that have arisen at the SFF, a state-owned enterprise, within the wider context of governance at state-owned entities.
Energy Briefs