HSF Briefs

Wealth Taxes III: Problems
Author: Charles Collocott
Published: 04 Apr 2018
This is the third brief of a seven part series and it deals with the problems with wealth taxes. The first brief provided a conceptual framework and the second dealt with the rationales for a wealth tax.
Economy Taxes Briefs
Wealth Taxes II: Rationales
Author: Charles Collocott
Published: 04 Apr 2018
This is the second brief of a six part series and it deals with the rationales for a wealth tax. The first brief provided a conceptual framework, and the third discusses the problems.
Economy Taxes Briefs
Wealth Taxes I: Conceptual Frame
Author: Charles Collocott
Published: 04 Apr 2018
This is the first brief of a seven part series. It provides a conceptual framework on wealth taxes. The second brief deals with rationales for wealth taxes, and the third discusses the problems with them.
Economy Taxes Briefs
Class Action Law Suits in South Africa
Author: Jade Weiner
Published: 28 Mar 2018
This brief considers the emerging legal field of class and group action law suits in South Africa. Previously uncommon and undefined in law, these cases are becoming more prevalent in the South African legal space.
Briefs Strengthening the Judicial System Social Justice Legal Litigation
The Future
Author: Agathe Fonkam
Published: 08 Mar 2018
This brief is the last in a series of six on urban transport and discusses the planned future of the transport system in the five largest metros.
Briefs Infrastructure Travel