HSF Briefs

Do We Have an Adequate Measure of Hunger in South Africa? II - The National Income Dynamics Study - Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 16 Nov 2021
The relief of hunger is often cited as a reason for the introduction of the Social Relief of Distress grant. This brief probes the extent of hunger in South Africa and whether our data available on hunger is coherent and complete, with a focus on National Income Dynamics Study’s Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey.
Economy Briefs
The prospects of legal challenges to the 2021 local government elections
Author: Catherine Kruyer
Published: 26 Oct 2021
This brief considers the prospects of a successful legal challenge to the 2021 local government elections. It does so by drawing insights from the Constitutional Court’s recent judgment dismissing an application for the postponement of the elections.
Briefs Fostering Deliberative Reasoned Decision Making Facilitating Public Participation Promoting Constitutional Democracy Protecting Human Rights Politics Governance Securing Accountability
The Forthcoming Municipal Elections - Against The Background Of Local Government Disorder
Author: Sophie Smit
Published: 26 Oct 2021
The current state of local government in South Africa is in a dire state and communities and local businesses are bearing the brunt of failing service delivery and accountability. These individuals have tried different avenues to enforce the constitutional obligations of their municipalities with little to no success encountered at each turn. With the municipal elections now before us, this brief concludes that voting is the best tool that South Africans have in holding their administrations to account.
Briefs Politics Governance
Beyond CR17 - Problems With The Executive Members’ Ethics Act And The Executive Ethics Code
Author: Zeenat Emmamally
Published: 21 Oct 2021
This is the last in a three-brief series. The first brief dealt with the relationship between donations towards campaigns within political parties and the Executive Ethics Code. The second brief discussed the reasons for disclosure of these donations. This brief considers problems with the Executive Members’ Ethics Act and the Executive Ethics Code.
Briefs Politics Governance Fighting Corruption Securing Accountability
What CR17 Teaches Us - The Need To Know Who Donates To Politicians’ Internal Party Campaigns
Author: Zeenat Emmamally
Published: 21 Oct 2021
This is the second in a three-brief series. The first brief dealt with the relationship between donations towards campaigns within political parties and the Executive Ethics Code. This brief will discuss the reasons for disclosure of these donations. The third will consider problems with the Executive Members’ Ethics Act and the Executive Ethics Code.
Briefs Politics Governance Fighting Corruption Securing Accountability