HSF Briefs

Water infrastructure backlog and access to water infrastructure delivered
Author: Nhlanhla Mnisi
Published: 02 Dec 2019
Since 1994, South Africa has achieved major reductions in water infrastructure backlog with consequent improvement in access to water infrastructure delivery. However, gross rural-urban inequalities still persist. This brief provides an assessment of the state of the national water infrastructure backlog and access to water infrastructure as viewed within global development principles and aspirations.
Briefs Water Infrastructure
Emerging Contaminants - Crisis Or Manageable Risk?
Author: Nhlanhla Mnisi
Published: 02 Dec 2019
At present the global scientific community is grappling with the question of whether emerging contaminants in water pose any substantial health risks to humans. While the serious empirical exploration is under way, misplaced media hype about them risks creating undue public panic. This brief explores current debates, risks and solutions for emerging contaminants in water bodies.
Briefs Water Water Quality Health
Moral Laws IV: Abortion
Author: Lee-Anne Germanos
Published: 28 Nov 2019
Abortion, not unlike sex work, is an age old subject which has been criminalised and decriminalised over the centuries. Like both sex work and drugs, abortion is a moral issue which debate has, in recent years (relatively speaking), taken a legal undertone by introducing the question of when life actually begins, with implications for the view that termination of pregnancy is equivalent to murder.
Briefs Social Justice Transformation
Moral Laws III: Drugs
Author: Lee-Anne Germanos
Published: 28 Nov 2019
Like the first two briefs on sex work in this ‘Moral Laws’ series, the stigmatisation of drug dependent users as outcasts and criminals is based on a particular morality. Unfortunately, once again, this has played the key role in our government’s (and the world’s) handling, at least until recently, of the drug problem – viewing it as a criminal justice issue as opposed to a health problem.
Briefs Social Justice Transformation
Moral Laws II: Sex work - The Arguments
Author: Lee-Anne Germanos
Published: 28 Nov 2019
This brief is the second brief of a series of four. This brief lays out the arguments for the status quo and for a reform of the system. It also discusses a possible solution to the legislative problem, in the form of a midway position. The third brief will deal with drug use and the fourth with abortion.
Briefs Social Justice Transformation
Moral Laws I: Sex work - History and current status
Author: Lee-Anne Germanos
Published: 28 Nov 2019
This brief is the first of a series of four. It deals with legislation about the sex trade in South Africa The second brief lays out the arguments for the status quo and for a reform of the system. The second brief also discusses a possible solution to the legislative problem, in the form of a midway position. The third brief will deal with drug use and the fourth with abortion.
Briefs Social Justice Transformation
Lindela And South Africa’s Defective Deportation Regime
Author: Tove van Lennep
Published: 15 Nov 2019
What is going on at the Bosasa-run Lindela Repatriation Centre - South Africa's single specialised holding facility for irregular immigrants awaiting deportation? This brief investigates the country's notorious deportation regime and its custodians – the South African Police Service, the Department of Home Affairs and Bosasa.
Briefs Lindela Demography Migration Detention Deportation Police Fighting Corruption