HSF Briefs

Update on the Impending Border Management Authority
Author: Tove van Lennep
Published: 11 Mar 2020
After being amended at the National Council of Provinces, the Border Management Authority (BMA) Bill is one step closer to enactment. But the BMA exacerbates the problem it seeks to address: In its attempt to resolve the fragmentation of South Africa’s border management, it creates another costly level of government bureaucracy under the ailing Department of Home Affairs.
Briefs Politics Governance International
Report: Conference On Fast-Tracking The Implementation Of The UNCAC In Southern Africa
Author: Cherese Thakur
Published: 03 Mar 2020
This brief describes the process employed to create a set of recommendations to fast-track the implementation of the UN Convention Against Corruption in Southern Africa. This process commenced at a regional conference held in Livingstone, Zambia in October 2019.
Briefs International Comparative Fighting Corruption Securing Accountability