HSF Briefs

ERSA’s Fiscal Futures Webinar Series - Brief II
Author: Charles Collocott
Published: 22 Oct 2020
This is the second brief of five which covers a series of webinar conversations convened by Economic Research South Africa, from July to early September. Local and international economic policy experts talked about how to think about the economy, and the role of fiscal policy after the COVID shock.
Briefs Finance
ERSA’s Fiscal Futures Webinar Series - Brief I
Author: Charles Collocott
Published: 22 Oct 2020
This is the first brief of five which covers a series of four webinar conversations convened by Economic Research South Africa, from late July to early September. Local and international economic policy experts talked about how to think about the economy, and the role of fiscal policy after the COVID shock.
Briefs Finance
August Production Estimates And April To June Quarterly Employment Statistics
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 20 Oct 2020
Given the uncertainties about the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic and the response of the economy to it and to the measures taken to combat it, it is important to us to keep track of economic data as it emerges.
Economy Briefs Covid-19 Governance Securing Accountability
The National Income Dynamics Study’s Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey - The Labour Market In The First And Second Quarters Of 2020
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 14 Oct 2020
Hard on the heels of the release of the second quarter 2020 (“Q2”) Quarterly Labour Force Survey (“QLFS”) has come the release of the second wave data from the National Income Dynamics Study’s (“NIDS”) Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey (“CRAM”).
Economy Briefs Covid-19 Governance Securing Accountability
Electoral Reform: Representation in the South African context
Author: Kimera Chetty
Published: 02 Oct 2020
The Helen Suzman Foundation is producing a series of briefs on electoral reform in South Africa. This brief, the sixth in our series, will explore the concept of representation within the South African context.
Economy Briefs Covid-19 Governance Securing Accountability
Electoral Reform: Representation - a conceptual analysis
Author: Kimera Chetty
Published: 02 Oct 2020
The Helen Suzman Foundation is producing a series of briefs on electoral reform in South Africa. This brief, the fifth in our series, will provide a conceptual analysis of representation.
Economy Briefs Covid-19 Governance Securing Accountability
Electoral Reform And The Political System: The Helen Suzman’s Points Of Departure
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 01 Oct 2020
The first three briefs in this series establish three main points. The first is that the New Nation case requires electoral reform, the second is that electoral reform may not infringe the constitution, and the third is there are political systemic choices to be made by Parliament about the electoral system within constitutional constraints. This brief sets out the Helen Suzman Foundation’s points of departure at the level of the political system.
Economy Briefs Covid-19 Governance Securing Accountability