HSF Briefs

A Review of Concourt and SCA Decisions: Undermining or Empowering the Rule of Law?
Author: Eythan Morris
Published: 06 Sep 2013
In this Brief, the review of Constitutional Court and Supreme Court of Appeal decisions will be examined showing some aspects: the government’s views; the reservations to it; latest developments and the possible outcomes.
Briefs Strengthening the Judicial System Justice Securing Accountability
Tlokwe and the Rule of Law
Author: Kameel Premhid
Published: 16 Aug 2013
Tlokwe (Potchefstroom) has been the site of an intense political battle between the ANC and the DA. The unfolding of the drama there provides incisive lessons on the rule of law.
Briefs Upholding the Rule of Law Justice
NDP: The relationship between Youth and SMEs
Author: Eythan Morris
Published: 16 Aug 2013
This brief analyses youth involvement in, and its relationship to, the Small to Medium Enterprises (SME) sector within the boundaries of the National Development Plan (NDP).
Briefs Social Justice
Future of our cities: Report back
Author: Wim Louw
Published: 01 Aug 2013
This brief reports on the Helen Suzman Foundations Roundtable event on the Future of our Cities.
Briefs Infrastructure
Some Notes on Sovereignty
Author: Kameel Premhid
Published: 25 Jul 2013
The Helen Suzman Foundation has already written about the Constitutional Court’s decision in Government of Zimbabwe v Fick. In this brief, we look at whether the concept of sovereignty should have meant any different.
Briefs International
The SADC Tribunal Lives On… Kind Of.
Author: Kameel Premhid
Published: 12 Jul 2013
The Constitutional Court’s decision in Government of Zimbabwe v Fick is a partial victory; the disbandment of the SADC Tribunal remains a travesty of justice. This Brief examines this in greater detail.
Briefs Upholding the Rule of Law International