HSF Briefs

Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 12 Jan 2016
Charles Simkins explores the Sociology of Romanticism in the context of Ferial Haffajee's book "What if there were no whites in South Africa?".
Briefs Social Justice
Six Lessons From Stalingrad
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 15 Dec 2015
This Brief looks at the turning point in Nazi Germany's Eastern Offensive. It identifies six principles that underwrote Hitler's humiliating defeat, and which remain relevant today.
Briefs International
A critical analysis of the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill, 2015: III – Authoritarian, anti-democratic and unconstitutional
Author: Matthew Kruger
Published: 08 Dec 2015
In the first of this three-part series, Matthew Kruger analysed aspects of the democratic foundations of the Constitution and argued that the source and formation of customary law is essentially democratic in nature. In the second brief, Chris Pieters provided a summary of some of the existing legal framework regulating traditional rule, as well as the attitude of the ANC to this form of rule. The third and final brief offers insight into the constitutionality of aspects of the Bill’s structure and content.
Briefs Justice
A critical analysis of the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill, 2015: II – The current regulation of traditional leadership
Author: Chris Pieters
Published: 08 Dec 2015
In the first of this series of briefs, Matthew Kruger analysed the democratic foundations of the Constitution and explained that the nature of the source and formation of customary law is essentially democratic. This second brief is a short summary of some of the existing legal regulations of traditional rule, as well as the ANC’s attitude towards this form of rule. The third and final brief will offer some insight into the constitutionality of aspects of the Bill’s structure and content.
Briefs Justice