HSF Briefs

Institutional Independence: Why it is Important and What We Are Doing
Author: Chris Pieters
Published: 09 Feb 2016
An overview of the HSF's continued fight in securing adequate independence for the institutions charged with protecting the constitutional rights of South Africans and all those within her borders.
Briefs Judicial Service Commission Justice
Can South Africans Handle Hard Times?
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 27 Jan 2016
This Brief suggests methods that may be adopted in an effort get through the hard times ahead.
Economy Briefs
Regulating Race-Related Expression: Outlining a conceptual framework
Author: Matthew Kruger
Published: 26 Jan 2016
Discussions about issues relating to race are often marred by little awareness of some of the more important differences between different forms of race-related expression. The conflation of concepts tends to generate much unnecessary disagreement on important practical and policy-related issues. With this in mind, I try to do three things in this three-part brief. First, I distinguish three forms of race-related expression: hate-speech, racism and hatred. Second, I outline how the Constitution deals with efforts to regulate each form of expression. Third, I consider four hypothetical examples of race-related expression, for the sake of illustrating the conceptual framework outlined in Part I of this brief, and suggesting how each might be regulated in a manner that is consistent with the points made in Part II of this brief.
Briefs Social Justice