HSF Briefs

Structural Adjustment
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 05 Dec 2017
The ratings agencies have put South Africa on terms. Everything now depends on the outcome of Moody’s rating review for downgrade, which may not conclude until after the Budget is presented in February 2018.
Economy Briefs
Mining Charter Third Version: What are the legal issues?
Author: Michelle Toxopeus
Published: 12 Sep 2017
Following the publication of the third version of the Mining Charter, the Chamber of Mines filed an urgent application in the North Gauteng High Court to interdict the application of the Charter pending its review by a court. The application will be heard on 14 and 15 September 2017.
Briefs Survey High Court Mining Chapter
Political Party Funding VII - The Treasury Bombshell
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 12 Sep 2017
This brief outlines the presentation by the National Treasury on 1 September 2017 to the Parliamentary Ad Hoc Committee on the Funding of Political Parties and considers its implications.
Briefs Politics
Political Party Funding VI - Civil Society Submissions
Author: Rafael Friedman
Published: 07 Sep 2017
This is the final brief of a six part series. The first provided a background to the current debate on political party funding. The second brief dealt with the legal position, and the third suggested a framework within which law might develop. The fourth dealt with international experience. This brief deals with submissions made to Parliament by civil society organisations, following on from the fifth brief which looked at political parties’ submissions.
Briefs Politics
Political Party Funding V - Political Party Submissions
Author: Rafael Friedman
Published: 07 Sep 2017
This is the fifth brief of a six part series. The first provided a background to the current debate on political party funding. The second brief dealt with the legal position, and the third suggested a framework within which law might develop.
Briefs Politics
Author: Rafael Friedman
Published: 31 Aug 2017
This is the fourth part of a six brief series. The first provided a background to the current debate on political party funding, the second described with the legal position and the third suggested a framework within which law might develop. This brief deals with international experience. The fifth will deal with submissions made to Parliament by political parties and the sixth with submissions made by civil society organisations.
Briefs Politics
Author: Ryan Holtes
Published: 31 Aug 2017
This is the third part of a six brief series. The first provided a background to the current debate on political party funding, and the second dealt with the legal position. This brief suggests a framework within which law might develop. The fourth deals with international experience. The fifth will deal with submissions made to Parliament by political parties and the sixth with submissions made by civil society organisations.
Briefs Politics
Author: Ryan Holtes
Published: 24 Aug 2017
This is the second brief of a six part series. The first part provides a background to the current debate on political party funding. This brief deals with the legal position, and the third suggests a framework within which law might develop. The fourth deals with international experience. The fifth will deal with submissions made to Parliament by political parties and the sixth with submissions made by civil society organisations.
Briefs Politics