HSF Briefs

Minibus Taxis
Author: Anton van Dalsen
Published: 08 Mar 2018
This brief is the fifth in a series of six on urban transport and discusses minibus taxis. The first two briefs present statistical material which delineates key current features of transport in metropolitan and urban areas.
Briefs Infrastructure Travel
Author: Rafael Friedman
Published: 08 Mar 2018
This brief is the fourth in a series of six on urban transport and discusses buses, including bus rapid transport systems. The first two briefs present statistical material which delineates key current features of transport in metropolitan and urban areas.
Briefs Infrastructure Travel
Author: Jade Weiner
Published: 07 Mar 2018
This brief is the third in a series of six on urban transport. The first two briefs presented statistical material which delineates key current features of transport in metropolitan and urban areas.
Briefs Infrastructure Transport
Keeping An Eye On The 2019 National & Provincial Elections
Author: Cherese Thakur
Published: 02 Mar 2018
This brief explores the challenges facing the Electoral Commission in the run-up to the 2019 National and Provincial elections - and what it is being done to address them.
Briefs Politics Elections Government
Cape Town Round Table: 6 February 2018 - The Budget, Growth & Debt - Beyond The Political Noise: Structural Change Is Urgently Needed
Author: Rafael Friedman
Published: 15 Feb 2018
The Helen Suzman Foundation’s Round Table took place surrounded by banners advertising a State of the Nation Address on 8 February that was not delivered. Instead, an ANC process, drawn out for over a week, has resulted in its National Executive Committee recalling Jacob Zuma from his ‘deployment’ as president of the Republic, ending in his resignation on 14 February.
Economy Finance Briefs Round Table