HSF Briefs

How should the National Energy Regulator respond to Eskom’s application for a retrospective reimbursement of R66.7bn for the period 2014 to 2017?
Author: Anton van Dalsen
Published: 15 May 2018
The HSF participated in public hearings on 11 May 2018, organised by the National Energy Regulator to receive comments on Eskom’s retrospective refund claim of R66.7bn. This brief analyses the substance of this claim and highlights the refusal by Eskom to confront the reality of a changed energy landscape.
Briefs Infrastructure Eskom Energy NERSA
Judging the Judges
Author: Jade Weiner
Published: 10 May 2018
This Brief considers circumstances in which judges can be impeached for gross misconduct specifically considering the case of Judge Nkola Motata
Briefs Justice
The PIC and GEPF - An Update
Author: Charles Collocott
Published: 18 Apr 2018
This brief is a follow up on the PIC and GEPF briefs published in the second half of last year. It takes a look at the challenges still facing these organisations in light of the Executive changes and other occurrences that have happened since.
Economy Investment Finance Briefs
Wealth Taxes VII: Lessons For South Africa
Author: Charles Collocott
Published: 05 Apr 2018
This is the last brief of a seven part series and it considers lessons in wealth tax for South Africa.
Economy Finance Taxes Briefs
Wealth Taxes VI: Land Tax
Author: Charles Collocott
Published: 05 Apr 2018
This is the sixth brief of a seven part series and it considers land tax a possible form of wealth tax in South Africa.
Economy Finance Taxes Briefs