HSF Briefs

Parliamentary Submission: Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) Amendment Bill, 2018
Author: Kimera Chetty
Published: 06 Jul 2018
On 29 June 2018, the Helen Suzman Foundation made written submissions in response to the Portfolio Committee on Police’s (the Committee) call for public comment on the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) Amendment Bill, 2018 (the Bill). The HSF also made oral submissions before the Committee on 3 July 2018 at Parliament.
legal Justice IPID Briefs Submissions
Human Settlements and Urban Land Reform
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 19 Jun 2018
This brief summarizes the findings of a recently completed HSF study on human settlements in urban areas.
Briefs Land Land Reform Infrastructure
Parliamentary Submission: Section 25 (Property Rights)
Author: Anton van Dalsen & Mira Menell Briel
Published: 19 Jun 2018
As part of its public participation process, the Joint Constitutional Review Committee of Parliament called for submissions on the review of Section 25 of the Constitution (the Property Clause), following a motion passed by the National Assembly on 27 February 2018, relating to expropriation without compensation.
Land Reform Land Briefs Infrastructure Submissions
Constitutional damages: Recent decisions in focus
Author: Michelle Toxopeüs
Published: 14 Jun 2018
This brief explores the concept of “constitutional damages” in South Africa and why they were awarded to the loved ones and survivors in the Life Esidimeni arbitration, but not to Michael Komape’s family.
Briefs Strengthening the Judicial System Constitutional Court Legal Justice
Reflections on the Minimum Wage Bill
Author: Jade Tess Weiner
Published: 13 Jun 2018
This brief considers the current status of the National Minimum Wage Bill, its limitations and whether its impact will achieve its intended purpose – to advance economic development and social justice.
Economy Briefs