HSF Briefs

The Davis Tax Committee Wealth Tax Report - An Overview
Author: Charles Collocott
Published: 26 Jul 2018
In anticipation of the Davis Tax Committee Wealth Tax Report, the HSF published a series of briefs last year on a wealth tax and whether it was viable method to raise revenue in South Africa. In March this year the Davis Tax Committee published its report on the matter, which this brief considers in the light of the HSF’s work.
Tax Economy Finance Briefs
Eskom’s 2018 Financial Results
Author: Anton van Dalsen
Published: 24 Jul 2018
This brief provides a commentary on the main features of Eskom’s 2018 annual financial statements, released on 23 July 2018.
Economy Briefs Infrastructure Eskom Energy
Whistle-blower Protection: Does South Africa Match Up? - Part IV
Author: Cherese Thakur
Published: 19 Jul 2018
This brief is the fourth in a four part series. The first two briefs consider South Africa's legislative provisions for the protection of whistle blowers against Transparency International's Best Practice Guidelines for Whistleblowing Legislation. The third and fourth briefs discuss procedures and systems which can be used to ensure that those who report wrongdoing are shielded from needless detriment.
Briefs Legal Fighting Corruption
Whistle-blower Protection: Does South Africa Match Up? - Part III
Author: Cherese Thakur
Published: 19 Jul 2018
This brief is the third in a four part series. The first two briefs consider South Africa's legislative provisions for the protection of whistle blowers against Transparency International's Best Practice Guidelines for Whistleblowing Legislation ("TI Guidelines"). The third and fourth briefs discuss procedures and systems which can be used to ensure that those who report wrongdoing are shielded from needless detriment.
Briefs Legal Fighting Corruption
Whistle-blower Protection: Does South Africa Match Up? - Part II
Author: Cherese Thakur
Published: 17 Jul 2018
This brief is the second in a four part series. The first two briefs consider South Africa's legislative provisions for the protection of whistle blowers against Transparency International's Best Practice Guidelines for Whistleblowing Legislation. The third and fourth briefs discuss procedures and systems which can be used to ensure that those who report wrongdoing are shielded from needless detriment.
Briefs Fighting Corruption legal
Whistle-blower Protection: Does South Africa Match Up? - Part I
Author: Cherese Thakur
Published: 17 Jul 2018
This brief is the first in a four part series. The first two briefs consider South Africa's legislative provisions for the protection of whistle blowers against Transparency International's Best Practice Guidelines for Whistleblowing Legislation. The third and fourth briefs discuss procedures and systems which can be used to ensure that those who report wrongdoing are shielded from needless detriment.
Briefs Legal Fighting Corruption
Can we start the long haul now?
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 12 Jul 2018
We live in a vertiginous age, in a Dadaesque social and political world. Can the ground be prepared for economic recovery in this politically unstable environment?
Economy Briefs