HSF Briefs

The State Of The South African Refugee Protection Regime: Part I - Current Status
Author: Tove van Lennep
Published: 30 Oct 2018
Once applauded by UNHCR’s Antonio Guterres as ‘one of the most advanced and progressive systems of refugee protection in the world’, the South African refugee regime has deteriorated beyond recognition.This brief - the first in a three-part series - explores the state of protection and what it means for asylum-seekers within our borders.
Briefs Migration Refugees Home Affairs Social Justice International
Illicit Financial Flows - Part I: A Primer
Author: Cherese Thakur
Published: 19 Oct 2018
This series of briefs examines illicit financial flows in the South African context - and what is being done to stop them.
Briefs Finance Legal Justice
Publication of the new Mining Charter
Author: Anton van Dalsen
Published: 02 Oct 2018
This brief contains our reaction to the contents of the new Mining Charter, which was published on 27 September 2018.
Briefs Mining SOEs
The President’s Economic Recovery Plan - Some observations
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 26 Sep 2018
The President announced an economic recovery plan on 20 September. The purpose of this brief is to comment on some of its silences: the absence of important detail and the implicit assumptions.
Economy Briefs