HSF Briefs

Migration III: Interpreting the data on South African migration
Author: Tove van Lennep
Published: 18 Sep 2019
There is a pressing need for more comprehensive and conclusive data on migration, to counteract uninformed xenophobic sentiment and to make migration policy responsive to regional developments and national demands.
Briefs Demography Migration
Migration II: The South African migration policy landscape
Author: Tove van Lennep
Published: 17 Sep 2019
South African migration has been dictated by an increasingly restrictive policy trajectory that positions migrants as criminal and undeserving.
Africa Briefs Demography Migration Governance
The Parliamentary Support Structure
Author: Lee-Anne Germanos
Published: 29 Aug 2019
Parliament has an entire support structure comprising of two supporting offices, two branches and an administration. The employees of the support structure are the workhorses of Parliament. A report of the Joint Standing Committee on the Financial Management of Parliament for the 2017/18 financial year revealed strained labour relations in the parliamentary support structure which have manifested themselves in increased litigation by Parliament against its employees. Add to that the protest suicide of a senior parliamentary manager, and the report’s finding that the work environment and conditions were unpleasant, and it becomes clear that all is not well in the parliamentary support structure.
Parliament Politics Governance Briefs
Deepening Democracy Brief: Parliamentary Accountability
Author: Anton van Dalsen & Lee-Anne Germanos
Published: 29 Aug 2019
This brief discusses Parliament’s oversight duty (over, among others, organs of state) and Parliament’s accountability mechanism – the electorate. It briefly discusses the need for electoral reform in order to achieve better accountability for MPs.
Briefs Promoting Constitutional Democracy Parliament Politics Governance
Respect And The Right To Be Heard: Some Reflections
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 28 Aug 2019
In this brief Charles Simkins reflects on the state of play around questions of legitimate speech in contemporary society.
Briefs Social Justice Transformation
Foreign Nationals In The Informal Retail Sector
Author: Charles Collocott
Published: 19 Aug 2019
This brief looks at some important facts behind foreign nationals in the informal retail sector, and asks whether government’s current hostile stance on the matter, as voiced by the Minister of Small Business Development, will help or hinder South Africans.
Economy Briefs Government Unemployment