HSF Briefs

Developing water sensitive cities I: Rethinking how we manage urban water
Author: Michelle Toxopeüs
Published: 30 Oct 2019
Given the current pressure on water sources, South African cities must rethink their approach to urban water management. The concept of water sensitive cities as an means of improving local water security will be explored in a three-part brief series. This brief, the first in the series, provides an overview of water sensitive settlements and its application in South Africa
Briefs Water Infrastructure Governance
The National Credit Amendment Act - And What Can Be Done
Author: Charles Collocott
Published: 16 Oct 2019
This brief looks at the potential effects of the National Credit Amendment Act that was recently signed into law. It begins with an overview of the Act, followed by the criticisms of it and the counterarguments to these criticisms. It concludes by looking at a unique model for micro lending as a plausible option to service the unsecured credit market in South Africa.
Briefs Finance Legal
Do we need a Water Use Bill?
Author: Michelle Toxopeüs
Published: 04 Oct 2019
In light of a recent announcement to develop legislation dedicated to transforming the water use sector, this brief examines the current legislative and policy provisions intended to drive water use reform. It highlights the slow pace at which transformation has taken place, underscored by a lack of political will, socio-political factors and, ultimately, an inconsistency between the law and its implementation.
Briefs Water Governance Justice
Strengthening institutional capacity in water resources management to enhance performance
Author: Michelle Toxopeüs
Published: 01 Oct 2019
Given its current financial and operational challenges, the Department of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation is struggling to fulfil its obligations. The legislative framework allows the Department to establish regional institutions to assist it in managing water resources. These institutions are underdeveloped, under capacitated and underutilised.
Briefs Water Governance
Migration IV: The state of South Africa’s borders
Author: Tove van Lennep
Published: 18 Sep 2019
South Africa’s borders require serious attention to counter irregular migration, illicit trade and incumbered movement. The Department of Home Affairs’ intended solutions are deficient.
Briefs Demography Migration Governance Borders