HSF Briefs

Asbestos Cement Waterpipes: A Health Hazard?
Author: Nhlanhla Mnisi
Published: 15 Jan 2020
Studies have shown that asbestos poses health risks to humans beyond the inhalation of fibres. Evidence suggests that ingestion of asbestos fibres from contaminated drinking water supplied though aged asbestos cement pipes also poses health hazards. This review explores how continued use of deteriorating asbestos cement pipes in water reticulation networks poses risks to human health.
Briefs Infrastructure Water Water Quality Health
Water Scarcity In South Africa: A Result Of Physical Or Economic Factors?
Author: Nhlanhla Mnisi
Published: 15 Jan 2020
South Africa is often described as a water-scarce country. This is based principally on physical descriptors like climatic conditions and escalating water demands. This brief investigates whether observed water scarcity in South Africa can be attributed to physical or economic factors, or both.
Briefs Water Infrastructure
Water Quality, Reliability and Payment for Services: Household Perspectives II - Water Supply Interruptions and Payment for Water
Author: Charles Simkins
Published: 02 Dec 2019
In this two-part series, Charles Simkins sets out what can be learnt about household perceptions of water services, water quality and interruptions from the 2018 General Household Survey. The second brief considers this information and the extent of household payment for water.
General Household Survey Briefs Water Reliability Water Water Quality