HSF Briefs

Hand Hygiene During The Covid-19 Epidemic
Author: Nhlanhla Mnisi
Published: 22 Apr 2020
In an epidemic where so much remains unknown and where fear is widespread, it is important to enable all persons at risk to feel a sense of agency in relation to their own safety. Two elements are considered here: education about the importance of hand hygiene, and the provision of adequate quantities of usable water and sanitation to make thorough hand washing possible.
Briefs Water Covid-19 Health
Mental Health II - National Health Insurance
Author: Chris Pieters
Published: 21 Apr 2020
Part 2 will consider the content of the National Health Insurance Bill as well as possible implications that it may have on the state of mental health care.
Briefs Governance Health Securing Accountability
Mental Health I - Legal and policy framework
Author: Chris Pieters
Published: 21 Apr 2020
Part 1 explores the present legal instruments designed to ensure that all those who require it will have access to mental health care. The brief further considers the political will of creating suitable access for those most in need.
Briefs Governance Health Securing Accountability
We Must Support The President
Author: Matthew Kruger
Published: 16 Apr 2020
In this brief, Research Fellow Matthew Kruger considers what unified support for the President means during the crisis.
Briefs Public Interest Justice