Eskom’s latest tariff application - Our Submission to the National Energy Regulator
This brief contains a summary of the Helen Suzman Foundation’s submission to the National Energy Regulator on Eskom’s latest tariff application. It describes ...
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Financing Government Debt
The Medium Term Budget Policy Statement, tabled in Parliament on 28 October 2020, projects that the government will need to issue above 50% more short-term and ...
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Financing The Public Sector Borrowing Requirement Should South Africa Attempt Yield Curve Control?
The public-sector borrowing requirement includes the borrowing needs of government as a whole, and those of state-owned companies, but excludes development ...
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Foreign Nationals In Gauteng’s Informal Retail Sector
This brief looks at some important facts behind the informal retail sector, specifically with regards to competition between local and foreign traders, and ...
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Foreign Nationals In The Informal Retail Sector
This brief looks at some important facts behind foreign nationals in the informal retail sector, and asks whether government’s current hostile stance on the ...
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Fundamentals of Municipal Finances
This brief reviews the fundamental elements of municipal finances.
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Guarantee obligations for the debt of state-owned enterprises, combined with limited economic growth: what threat does this pose for Government finances?
This brief by Anton van Dalsen analyses the dangers which are inherent in lower government revenue (resulting from lower than expected economic growth), ...
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Has Statistics South Africa Under-Estimated The Employment Recovery?
Many commentators have argued that the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a sharp increase in the unemployment rate, relying solely on Statistics South Africa’s ...
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Has The Supplementary Budget Betrayed The Promise Of A R 500 Billion Stimulus Package?
An Article In Daily Maverick Has Charged That The Supplementary Budget Has Torn The Guts Out Of The Covid-19 Package Announced In April. This Brief Examines ...
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Health Expenditure In The 2019/20 Financial Year
This is the third of a four brief series on health expenditure in the public and private sectors. The first brief deals with commonly ignored components of ...
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