Structural Adjustment
The ratings agencies have put South Africa on terms. Everything now depends on the outcome of Moody’s rating review for downgrade, which may not conclude ...
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Structural Interdicts: An Effective Means Of Ensuring Political Accountability?
Incapacity. Incompetence. Pure recalcitrance. Intentional non-compliance. Corruption. These are among the most egregious reasons for any government’s inability ...
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Submission on the Draft Broad-Based Socio-Economic Empowerment Charter for the Mining and Minerals Industry, 2018
This brief summarises the HSF’s submission to the Department of Mineral Resources, in response to the Draft Mining Charter which was published in June 2018 for ...
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Parliamentary Submission: Section 25 (Property Rights)
As part of its public participation process, the Joint Constitutional Review Committee of Parliament called for submissions on the review of Section 25 of the ...
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This Brief deals with the genetic link requirement in section 294 of the Children's Act which deals with surrogacy agreements and genetic origin of a child, ...
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Suspension of the National Head of the Hawks
The HSF has approached the High Court in Pretoria to declare invalid the suspension of the National Head of the Hawks and the appointment of an Acting Head.
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Tables Supporting Youth Briefs 1 & 2
This report contains four tables supporting the Youth Briefs 1 and 2, headed “STRAIT IS THE GATE: THE MATRIC CONUNDRUM”.
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Take Two: Appointing the Justices of the Constitutional Court
This first of two briefs will consider the process of Constitutional Court appointments. With a focus on the Judicial Service Commission interviews held in ...
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The 2015/16 Budget and Development
This brief focuses on how the Budget proposals impact on development. The short term outlook for economic growth is relatively poor, so a better framework for ...
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The 2016 Local Government Elections and the Metros - Part I: The Rules of the Game
This Brief sets out two important things to know about the system.
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