Through gender eyes
Through gender eyes
Through the Maureen Isaacson interview in The Star we learn of the
anger of Mohau Pheko, the chief executive officer of the National
Women's Coalition. She is, it turns out, angry about lots of things.
Angry that not many government ministries have set up their obligatory
"gender desks". Angry because Nelson Mandela did not call a cabinet
meeting so that ministers could "contemplate the issue" of violence
against women. Angry because ministers have not found the time to
answer her nagging letters. Angry with the International Monetary Fund
because it has "identified the women's coalition as being part of the
resistance" to their rule. "All it amounts to is an old boys club", she
says. Angry, even, at being called a feminist: "It's about time we
realised that gender does not mean women's issues; rather it is an
Pheko knows all about this since in her long sojourn in the United
States - she only returned to South Africa this year after 15 years
away - she became a specialist in something called "gender analysis"
and is even writing a thesis about the South African budget "through
gender eyes". She certainly has some original ideas about the economy.
"The main industries are still owned by a few white Afrikaner males,"
she says angrily, thus putting thoroughly in their place all those
historians who thought the whole point of Afrikaner nationalism was
that English-speakers held all the commanding economic heights.
Isaacson seems to admire all this. Although noting that "Pheko speaks
her mind, hardly stopping for breath", she finds that "her anger is
contained". Really? Well, no. Pheko has apparently decided that, the
constitution apart, South Africa's women are worse off than they have
ever been. Attending women's groups in Houghton she finds that women in
them complain that the women from the Vaal Triangle are always late,
and she is angry with the "white attitude" of the guy she deals with at
the garage where she takes the family Merc.
So there you have it. Pheko has been tooling round to tea parties in
Houghton in her Merc, getting angry because people like Francois
Pienaar own Anglo-American and Liberty Life. Those of us unable to
afford Mercs can only wonder at the clearly mind-bending potential of
gender analysis -and recall Will Rogers' famous complaint that what
made it so hard being a satirist was that real life gave you such
ferocious competition.
Styles of authority
You can often tell a lot about a country's political culture by the
way it manages its sports. When the 14th Earl, Lord Home, was kicked
out as leader of the British Conservative party because it wanted
someone more meritocratic, Home was immediately elected President of
cricket's ruling body, the MCC - where older habits still held
The manner of Francois Pienaar's sacking was a brutal reminder that
the Broederbond style of authority is alive and well in the new South
Africa. This style of authority consists of one Raging Bull [the boss)
and a scared circle of backers who have been bought off into silent
deference. In this model the Bull figure can just go on and on: there
would have been no way of getting rid of Verwoerd if he had not been
killed, no way of getting rid of PW Botha until he had a stroke, no way
of getting rid of Danie Craven so he stayed in charge of South African
rugby until the age of 1 SO. The Louis Luyt regime is in strict lineal
descent: the best chance of seeing the back of him probably depends on
his continuing obesity.
The virtually faultless management of the national cricket squad, on
the other hand, is a monument to the way the country's best companies
have been run, usually by English-speaking [and often by Jewish] South
Africans. The team is meritocracy incarnate - an English coach stolen
from under the noses of his home team, a coloured spin genius, an
Afrikaner captain, with team cohesion cemented by a philosophy of
complete loyalty to those who have performed well. Long, long before it
was politically correct to do so, cricketers demanded the right to pick
and play non-racial teams: merit alone was what mattered. The cricket
team is ultra fit, toughly professional, filled with self belief, plays
it clean and fair-and is massively successful. If the country were run
on these lines we would probably have eight percent growth.
Unfortunately; this way of doing things has nothing in common with the
style of authority sponsored by our elite. The watchwords here are
transparency, accountability, consultation and affirmative action. The
results are to be seen in the selection of any modem university vice
chancellor: an exhausting ritual of public lectures, public
interrogation, extensive lobbying by stakeholders, attempts by minority
veto groups to deny the "legitimacy" of some candidates, and all the
rest of it. This way of doing things has its point, but professionalism
and meritocracy are not words much heard in this context. A cricket
team selected on this basis would probably never win.
On the other hand, look at the way Patrick Lekota was deposed in the
Free State, the way our next President is to be chosen, or the way in
which the ANC's Western Cape leadership was selected: no nonsense about
publicly competing candidates, consultation with stakeholders, or open
debate and transparency there. So the bright side is that when things
get really serious our new leaders do not practise what they
Foreign affair (1)
The dispatch of South African National Defence Force troops to Zaire
raises the interesting question of what exactly our interests in Zaire
are, apart from preventing a bloodbath. Zaire is potentially by far our
richest and most important neighbour but, due to its appalling
misgovernment, it has never punched its weight. Indeed, it has
virtually fallen apart as a country - and Mobutu, conscious of the
separatist threat, has deliberately prevented the construction of a
decent infrastructure in the eastern provinces of Kivu and Shaba.
The fact is that South Africa would stand to benefit if Zaire broke up
completely, with Kivu and Shaba becoming independent states. Such
states would be of a manageable size, are rich in diamonds and copper
respectively, and would quickly be penetrated by South African capital
and pulled into South Africa's orbit. This was why South Africa in the
early 1960s looked with favour on the separatist movements in those
provinces led by Moise Tshombe and Albert Kalonji and why, if the same
thing happened again, Pretoria would find it felt the same again. As de
Gaulle said, states have no friends, only interests.
Foreign affair (2)
Deputy President Thabo Mbeki's protracted tour of Europe has failed to
budge the European Union one iota over the question of allowing free
access to its market of the 39 percent of our agricultural exports that
currently fall foul of EU tariffs. Sceptics point out that it can
hardly help our European diplomacy that our ambassadors to France,
Germany and Italy cannot speak French, German or Italian respectively,
but in fact their linguistic abilities - or lack of them - can hardly
have been decisive.
What is now clear is that South Africa missed a very large trick in
1994. What should have happened is for Mandela and his ministers to
have flown straight from the inauguration to Europe where, in the full
flush of post-election euphoria, the European Union leaders should have
been told, you say you want to help the new South Africa, do it now.
And absolutely no trips to South Africa for Mitterrand, Major or Kohl
until the trade issue is sorted out. This would have worked then. In
effect Mbeki has been trying the same tactic two and half years
The surprising thing is that the departments of trade and foreign
affairs seem not to have told Mbeki that this tactic cannot possibly
work now. The reason lies in the enormous political pain European Union
countries are going through to cut their budgets and debts down to the
levels required by the Maastricht Treaty by 1999. With unemployment in
Italy at 12.2 percent, at 12.6 percent in France and 22.3 percent in
Spain, such cuts are meeting huge social resistance. These southern
European states are the ones whose farmers stand to get hurt by South
African competition and their governments know that to ask for extra
trouble from their farmers now is to court electoral suicide.
Mbeki should have been warned that he was always bound to be wasting
his time on this trip: no deal is possible until 1999. Thabo should be
planning now for the trip to Brussels he will have to make straight
after his own inauguration in that year.
Odd Goldstone
Whichever gallery Richard Goldstone, the new chancellor of Wits, was
playing to at his induction, it was not the one in front of him, mainly
composed of white graduates and faculty. There was, he said, "a price
to pay" for South Africa's past and young whites were going to have to
pay it. "It is subjectively unfair that white children of today and
tomorrow will be called upon to pay the price for some of the actions
of their parents' or grandparents' generations. But there is really no
alternative," he said.
This was odd stuff when one considers the priority President Mandela
has rightly put on dissuading skilled whites from emigrating. Short of
handing out free plane tickets along with their graduation scrolls, it
is difficult what more Goldstone could do to encourage the emigration
of young white graduates - who will doubtless note that Goldstone's own
children are already settled elsewhere.
Odd, too, to find Goldstone accepting the doctrine of collective guilt
even to the second and third generation. This has been the classic
doctrine used as justification for anti-Semitic persecutions down the
ages - and was also precisely the rationalisation for the mutual
atrocities used by the Bosnian Serbs and Muslims, about whose errors
one thought Goldstone might have learnt a thing or two.
It's my party
Did the SACP veto an IMF loan to South Africa in October ? It looks
like it. First, we hear Michael Camdessus, the IMF President, is to
make a special visit to SA. M. Camdessus is not given to empty
diplomatic shuttles and it seems unlikely that he wanted to come simply
in order to see Table Mountain or picnic at Hout Bay. With the Rand
under pressure argument mounts that the only way out is the immediate
abolition of exchange controls - and that the IMF is to provide us with
a credit facility to smooth the initial turbulence in the
This hypothesis gains further credence when Camdessus is met at
Johannesburg International by a notably lugubrious Trevor Manuel. Why
does Trevor look like a man with a hangover at his mother's funeral ?
Can it be that he is not looking forward to explaining to ANC MPs that
he's taken the King's shilling and requested an IMF loan? Conviction
grows to near certainly when President Mandela, clearly pre-primed,
emerges to meet Camdessus and announces that SA welcomes the help of
the IMF.
By then Camdessus goes before ANC parliamentarians where leading SACP
MPs, led by Rob Davies, give him a torrid time. A dazed Camdessus
emerges to say he had never before been accused of trying to grind the
faces of the poor: he just lends money to them.
He files out with no loan announced. The Party has, in effect, brought
sharply to the notice of the ANC just how much support it can rally
against any idea of taking an IMF loan. The Governor of the Reserve
Bank, Chris Stals, acts for all the world like a man who seen a
lifebelt snatched from him as he goes under for the second time and a
few days later releases details of what is, in effect, his own economic
wish list - including a $2bn. IMF loan. In the following two weeks the
Rand drops another 1 against the $. Each time this happens the
proportion of the national budget devoted to interest payment
increases. This upward ratchet ting is already forcing Manuel to
present the toughest budget SA has seen in many years. This will bring
him political pain. The real question is when will Manuel [and Mandela)
decide that the pain the markets inflicts is greater than anything Rob
Davies and Co. can hand out?
One man and his dog
Ever since Eugene Terreblanche fell off his horse he has, in a sense,
kept falling. Most recently ET was in court to face a charge of intent
to commit grievous bodily harm to an African garage attendant. Arriving
at a garage one Saturday night, ET somehow managed to get into an
argument with an attendant at a filling station on the other side of
the street.
ET's dog, allegedly on his master's instructions, raced across the
road and began biting the attendant, followed in hot pursuit by ET
himself. The attendant, still harassed by the dog, fled into a toilet
only to have ET burst in by kicking in the toilet door. The attendant
claims that ET then hurled racist abuse at him and assaulted him, while
ETs story is that he kicked the door in to save the man from being hurt
further by his dog.
The outlook is not too bright for ET. For a start, not many South
Africans will easily believe that he would take the part of a black man
against his own dog. But he is also facing another, unrelated charge of
attempted murder against an African employee of the security firm that
guards his house - after the employee had, allegedly, provided a
somewhat lacklustre service.
Opinion seems to be divided. Some would like to see both ET and his
dog sent to jail. Others feel that to sentence ET for getting into a
three-cornered brawl with a petrol attendant and a dog would be akin to
sending Al Capone to Sing Sing for tax evasion.