RW Johnson detects a Zimbabwe factor in the al-Qaeda terror equation.
Focus 34 - 2nd Quarter 2004
Patrick Laurence assesses the obstacles Mbeki will need to overcome in his war against poverty.
At the moment of its greatest electoral triumph the ANC would be wise to be mindful of the parable of the parabola.
Patrick Laurence discusses the opposition parties' future prospects.
Virginia van der Vliet argues that there is an imperative to vigilantly monitor government commitments on HIV/Aids.
James Myburgh reflects on the rivalry between political Jacobins and liberals in South Africa.
Claire Bisseker argues that improved matric results are due more to declining enrolments than a renaissance in education.
Mandla Seleoane believes the case for a referendum on the death penalty still stands.
Lawrence Schlemmer appraises the factors that worked against opposition parties in the 14 April election.

Lawrence Schlemmer appraises the factors that worked against opposition parties in the 14 April election. File Size: 77KB.
Claire Bisseker contends that the abolition of the matric exam will lead to a blurring between excellent and average.