US aid to South Africa
Of all the states in transition towards
democracy South Africa is perhaps the most important. A whole continent
will stand or fall by its success or failure. Such considerations have
led all Western governments to embrace South Africa’s “miracle”
evolution away from apartheid and towards democracy with great fervour,
a stance further strengthened by admiration for the extraordinarily
attractive figure of Nelson Mandela and his movement’s long and bitter
struggle against great odds and great evil. Many Western governments,
foundations and individuals are acutely sensitive to the charge that
they were too complaisant for too long in the face of apartheid, a
charge that melds into broader feelings of colonial or racist guilt.
For all of these reasons they have over-compensated by adopting a
policy of virtually uncritical support for the country’s first
democratic government.
But, however delightful and heroic a man Mandela is and no matter how
justified his movement’s struggle has been, this should not blind one
to the fact that his party is recognisably kin to those which set up
single party or one-party dominant regimes all over Africa. The ANC’s
hegemonic ambitions overlap all too comfortably with the instinctive
practices of the South African Communist Party (SACP) which has always
constituted “the central nervous system” of the ANC. Although the ANC
claims to be democratic, its own internal practices suggest that this
is only partially true. Party members are expected to — and generally
do — observe the party line no matter what its twists and turns. Open
dissent is seen as grounds for expulsion. Above all, the party is at
best ambivalent about the need for opposition parties, which are not
just criticised but demonised and accused of being part of some vast
counter-revolutionary conspiracy.
President Mandela’s speech to the ANC’s Mafikeng party congress in
December last year — thought to be largely the work of his deputy and
successor, Thabo Mbeki — was replete with such references. The
Opposition parties were characterised as “white” (though multiracial)
and “defenders of apartheid privilege” (though the liberal Democratic
Party had strenuously opposed apartheid since its foundation in 1959)
and grouped collectively as “the counter-revolution”. The harsh
sectarianism of the speech was sadly at odds with the spirit of
generosity and reconciliation Mandela has always shown.
In that same speech, Mandela also attacked those non-governmental
organisations that relied on foreign funding. By setting themselves up
as critical watchdogs over our movement, he said, “these NGOs also work
to corrode the influence of the movement”. Moreover, some of them “act
as instruments of foreign governments and institutions that fund them
to promote the interests of these external forces”.
The area in dispute here is what donor organisations involved in
transitional democracies call “D and G”, that is their democracy and
governance programs. The largest local organisation involved in this
area in South Africa, the Institute for Democracy in South Africa
(Idasa), typifies the way that the ANC would like all NGOs to behave:
its chairman is director-general of the President’s office. Its
publication, Parliamentary Whip, is edited by the former correspondent
of the British Communist paper, the Morning Star. Idasa takes a fairly
steady ANC line, runs many joint programs with government and is
effectively a quasi-governmental organisation. It also receives more
USAid and Ford Foundation support than any other organisation in its
The biggest US donor in South Africa is, of course, USAid, which inter
alia awards grants to the National Democratic Institute and the
International Republican Institute (IRI). Like other American donor
organisations here, USAid is extremely sensitive to an ANC/SACP version
of political correctness, a sensitivity reinforced by its employment of
“progressive” local staff.
This situation has had some strange results. In 1996-97, due to
hold-ups in Congress, IRI in South Africa was for some time unable to
obtain its grant from USAid. Tom Callahan, the then director of IRI,
made endless unproductive trips to USAid, where he had to deal with a
locally hired official who was also a Communist. The man’s dislike of
all Americans, and particularly Republicans, was patent and his
attitude was obstructive and unsympathetic. In vain Callahan pointed
out that the Republicans were the majority party in Congress, that the
money had been extracted from American taxpayers, and that it had been
voted through Congress. Very belatedly, IRI’s grant came through. My
own foundation, which stands unrepentantly for liberal democratic
values, was warned by a local USAid official to “stay away from
However, USAid also made an atypical grant to the liberal and
independent South African Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR) for a
public policy monitoring project — thus placing the institute in the
“watchdog” role that the ANC so dislikes. It was, apparently, this
grant that produced the headlong attack on USAid in another section of
Mandela’s speech to the party’s December congress. Despite frantic
diplomacy the attack had its effect. It became clear that the grant to
the SAIRR was unlikely to be renewed. IRI found itself discouraged by
USAid and the US embassy from working with a wide range of political
parties in its training programs that are intended to be non-partisan.
It decided subsequently to devote its energies to local government
development where parties are weaker.
Last year USAid commissioned an independent review of its democracy
and governance program from US and South African academics. Their
report warned of a possible trend towards one-partyism and a consequent
need for USAid to spread its support beyond the circle of ANC-aligned
organisations towards a more pluralist and independent set of
institutions. One might have thought that such a pluralist approach
should have been fundamental to USAid’s mandate to help consolidate a
multiparty democracy in South Africa. In fact this passage was
suppressed before publication. Even such concessions were not enough.
The South African government requested an inquiry into USAid’s support
of NGOs, and this was conducted jointly by USAid and government
representatives. It concluded with USAid promising that its support
would only be given “to programs in support of Pretoria’s policies”. In
practice the new deal would seem to give the government veto power over
USAid supporting any but ANC-aligned NGOs, so that USAid will now
almost formally be made part of the effort to build the hegemony of the
dominant party.
Here lies the nub of the matter. The ANC, which won 62.7 per cent of
the vote in 1994, has now publicly set itself the target of winning a
two-thirds majority in the 1999 elections — enough to alter the
constitution unilaterally. ANC spokesmen have already given some
indication of how they would like to use that power: to bring under
political control such islands of relative independence as the
attorney-general, the auditor-general and the governor of the Reserve
Bank and to ensure that there is greater political control of the
judiciary. Beyond that, many suspect, lies an ambition to alter the
constitution’s property clause to make expropriation easier and a
change to a first-past-the-post electoral system which would
effectively wipe out the opposition parties. The prospect is disturbing
enough to make USAid’s decision to suppress mention of the dangers of
one-party dominance seem bizarre if not irresponsible.
South African liberals and democrats are appalled at the possibility
of the country again becoming a one-party dominant regime: that was the
experience we lived through between 1948 and 1994 and we want no more
of it. Yet those of us who hold such views are highly politically
incorrect in ANC-ruled South Africa and thus pretty much untouchables
as far as USAid, Ford and other American foundations are concerned. It
is curious to reflect that I would have a far better chance of gaining
support for the foundation I run from American philanthropic or
taxpayer funds if I were a member of the Communist Party.