Focus 56 Chapters Focus 56 Chapters 3. Speaker's Answering affidavit & Chairperson NCOP confirmatory Affidavit 28012021.pdf 4. Second, third and fifth respondents answer 03022021.pdf 5. Replying affidavit 12022021 (signed).pdf 6. SCA Order 13042021.pdf 1. Helen Suzman Foundation v Speaker of the National Assembly and Others.pdf 2. SCA Refusal to Grant Leave to Appeal.pdf 10. First Respondent's Heads of Argument 28082020.pdf 11. 2nd 3rd & 5th Respondents' Heads of Argument 27082020.pdf 12. Order Removal from Roll 02092020.pdf 6.3. Second_ Third _ Fourth Respondents' AA - Annexure CRL12.pdf 7. Replying Affidavit (served & filed) 20082020.pdf 8. Notice of removal from urgent roll 22082020.pdf 9. HSF Heads of Argument 24082020.pdf Helen Suzman Foundation In The Courts Submission to the Department of Labour on the report of the National Minimum Wage Commission on the review and adjustment of the national minimum wage for year 2022 Submission to the National Assembly’s Home Affairs Portfolio Committee in Response to the Electoral Amendment Bill (B1-2022) HSF Employment Services Amendment Bill Submission.pdf HSF Magistrates Bill 2022 Submission HSF Lower Courts Bill 2022 Submission 1. HSF's Founding Affidavit 13. DA Heads of Argument - SCA.pdf 14. HSF Heads of Argument - SCA.pdf 6. Democratic Alliance's Supplementary Founding Affidavit .pdf 12. JGZ Heads of Argument.pdf 7. HSF Supplementary Founding Affidavit.pdf Submission on the Amendments to the Regulations Relating to Covid-19 Social Relief of Distress Issued in Terms of Section 32, Read with Section 13 of the Social Assistance Act. 4. Annexures to HSF's Replying Affidavit 2. Director-General of DHA - Answering Affidavit 3. HSF's Replying Affidavit 6. HSF Heads of Argument Previous 30 items 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... 32 Next 30 items
Submission to the Department of Labour on the report of the National Minimum Wage Commission on the review and adjustment of the national minimum wage for year 2022
Submission to the National Assembly’s Home Affairs Portfolio Committee in Response to the Electoral Amendment Bill (B1-2022)
Submission on the Amendments to the Regulations Relating to Covid-19 Social Relief of Distress Issued in Terms of Section 32, Read with Section 13 of the Social Assistance Act.