Helen Suzman Memorial Lecture 201222 November - The 2012 Helen Suzman Memorial Lecture was delivered by Vice-Chancellor and Rector of the University of the Free State Prof Jonathan Jansen and was entitled "The Mathematics of Democracy."https://admin.hsf.org.za/events/lectures/Helen%20Suzman%20Memorial%20Lecture_The%20mathematics%20of%20democracy_Jonathan%20Jansen.pdf/viewhttps://admin.hsf.org.za/events/lectures/Helen%20Suzman%20Memorial%20Lecture_The%20mathematics%20of%20democracy_Jonathan%20Jansen.pdf/@@download/image/Helen Suzman Memorial Lecture_The mathematics of democracy_Jonathan Jansen.pdf
Helen Suzman Memorial Lecture 2012
22 November - The 2012 Helen Suzman Memorial Lecture was delivered by Vice-Chancellor and Rector of the University of the Free State Prof Jonathan Jansen and was entitled "The Mathematics of Democracy."