Filter the results Item type Select All/None News Item Link Folder Event File EasyForm Collection Image Page New items since Yesterday Last week Last month Ever Search results Subscribe to an always-updated RSS feed. 68 items matching your search terms. Sort by relevance date (newest first) alphabetically Ovarian cancer, hormone replacement therapy and the contraceptive pill Located in Publications / HSF Briefs THE ZIKA VIRUS III - THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION AND THE CENTRE FOR DISEASE CONTROL Located in Publications / HSF Briefs THE ZIKA VIRUS II - ZIKA DISEASE Located in Publications / HSF Briefs THE ZIKA VIRUS I - GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION Located in Publications / HSF Briefs THE ZIKA VIRUS AS A GLOBAL THREAT This Brief focuses on the Zika virus and the threat to the Brazilian Olympic Games. Located in Publications / HSF Briefs SILICOSIS AND TUBERCULOSIS ON THE GOLD MINES This Brief done by HSF's Sarika Doodnath deals with the Silicosis and Tuberculosis cased which are currently being debated over in Court. Located in Publications / HSF Briefs SHOULD THERE BE A PURCHASER-PROVIDER SPLIT IN SOUTH AFRICA’S PUBLIC HEALTH SYSTEM? This Brief looks at the purchaser-provider split and issues around it as well as whether it is necessary in South Africa's public health system. Located in Publications / HSF Briefs NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE AND THE PRIVATE SECTOR This Brief looks at the developments in the NHI White Paper and the effect on the Private Sector with such proposals Located in Publications / HSF Briefs THE SHIFT OF RESOURCES FROM HOSPITALS TO PRIMARY HEALTH CARE This Brief looks at how the resources are allocated in terms of Primary Health Care (PHC) under the NHI White Paper. Located in Publications / HSF Briefs HOW FAR IS THE 2015 NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE WHITE PAPER AN ADVANCE ON THE 2011 GREEN PAPER: A USER’S GUIDE This Brief does a comparison between the National Health Insurance (NHI) White Paper and the NHI Green Paper to ascertain differences, advancements and ... Located in Publications / HSF Briefs Previous 10 items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next 10 items