The Southern African Development Community II – Economy: Levels, Growth, Structure, Income Distribution And Happiness
The Southern African Development Community is made up of sixteen countries and all countries on the continent with territory below five degrees south. The ...
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The Southern African Development Community I – Population
The Southern African Development Community is made up of sixteen countries and all countries on the continent with territory below five degrees south. The ...
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How Will The Health System Cope Over The Next Four Years?
This is the fourth of a four brief series on health expenditure in the public and private sectors. The first brief deals with commonly ignored components of ...
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Health Expenditure In The 2019/20 Financial Year
This is the third of a four brief series on health expenditure in the public and private sectors. The first brief deals with commonly ignored components of ...
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Local Government Impact On Health - What Do We Know?
This is the second of a four brief series on health expenditure in the public and private sectors. The first brief discusses commonly ignored components of ...
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Occupational Health And Safety And Fund Payments For Treatment Of Injury And Disease - What Do We Know?
This is the first of a four brief series on health expenditure in the public and private sectors. It discusses commonly ignored components of health ...
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Why Is Burger King Proving a Hard Sell?
This brief explores the legal basis for the Competition Commission prohibiting the purchase of Burger King by Emerging Capital Partners, and argues that it was ...
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Output, Employment, The Minimum Wage And Covid-19
This brief advances an explanation of the divergence between the growth of output and the growth of employment, between the first quarter of 2018 and the first ...
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What Can We Expect From The Economy In 2021?
This brief explores what economic drivers lie behind the economic growth projections from various international organisations, South African official sources ...
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Understanding Cronyism
This brief examines cronyism as a subtype of corruption, and argues, using the executive ethics code as an example, that frameworks do not adequately safeguard ...
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