Legal Costs Orders - An Underused Tool For Accountability - Part I: A Look Through The Case Law
This brief is the first in a two-part series and will consider case law examining principles regarding cost awards against public officials in their personal ...
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Legality In A State Of Disaster
This brief is a companion to our recently published brief entitled ‘A guide to the duties imposed on South Africans during the lockdown’. That brief should be ...
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New criminal intent in hate speech law: the Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill in relation to the CC judgment in Qwelane v SAHRC
This is the third brief on hate speech law and it considers components of the Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill (“the Hate Speech ...
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Parliament Clarifies ‘Motion of No Confidence’ Rules
With the release of the Public Protector’s Nkandla Report, questions will arise concerning a possible ‘motion of impeachment’. It is important that Parliament ...
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Parliamentary Submission: Competition Amendment Bill, 2018
On 17 August 2018, The Helen Suzman Foundation Made Written Submissions In Response To The Portfolio Committee On Economic Development’s (The Committee) Call ...
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Parliamentary Submission: Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) Amendment Bill, 2018
On 29 June 2018, the Helen Suzman Foundation made written submissions in response to the Portfolio Committee on Police’s (the Committee) call for public ...
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POSIB: President urged to act
This Brief looks at the passage of POSIB and argues that the President should not sign the Bill.
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Public Interest Litigation Threatened by Legal Practice Bill
In this Brief (‘Public Interest Litigation Threatened by Legal Practice Bill’), Kameel Premhid, HSF Intern, examines proposed changes to fee structures in the ...
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Report back: Roundtable on Consultation and the Constitution
On 26 August 2014 the HSF hosted a Roundtable event on Consultation and the Constitution. The event featured Mtende Mhango, Iraj Abedian and John Jeffery. This ...
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