The Constitutional Justice Report: Judging The Judges II - Assessment
This is the second part of a two-part brief concerning the Assessment of the Impact of the Decisions of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court of ...
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The Constitutional Justice Report: Judging The Judges? Part I - Context And Main Findings
This is the first part in a two-part brief concerning the “Assessment of the Impact of Decisions in the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court of Appeal on the ...
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The secret ballot judgment: A power to be exercised and seasoned with rationality
This brief looks at the relevance of rationality in the Speaker’s determination of the procedure to be followed in a vote of no confidence, as set out by the ...
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Judicial overreach: a purely South African phenomenon?
Much has been said recently in South Africa on whether courts were interfering in the realm of the executive. This brief by Anton van Dalsen shows that this ...
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Judicial Overreach
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A Progressive Judiciary
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Will the Constitutional Court Rule in Favour of a Secret Ballot?
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The Traditional Courts Bill: Are they getting it right?
This brief discusses the recently published Traditional Courts Bill. Earlier versions of this Bill were introduced in 2008 and 2012, but were withdrawn ...
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Abuse of law under the rule of law
South Africa is a state based on the rule of law. What does it mean for the law to be abused in such a state?
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The FIC Amendment Bill and the Presidential signature
How long does it normally take for the President to sign a bill?
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