Report: Conference On Fast-Tracking The Implementation Of The UNCAC In Southern Africa
This brief describes the process employed to create a set of recommendations to fast-track the implementation of the UN Convention Against Corruption in ...
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HSF Briefs
September Production, Rates Of Profit And Loanable Funds
This Brief updates our understanding of the economy and how it has bounced back. It also considers trends in profitability since the beginning 2014, and ...
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HSF Briefs
Service Delivery in South Africa at a Glance
Against the backdrop of recent discussions on service delivery in the Kgetlengrivier Local Municipality this brief will examine current reactions to service ...
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Social Grants and Unemployment Insurance During The Lockdown
After reviewing the special government cash transfers to households in order to help them through the lockdown, this brief summarizes available information on ...
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Spotlight On Accountability III: Accountability Categorised
This brief is part of a series that takes ‘accountability’ to its roots by explaining fundamental aspects of the concept, and provides a guide on how to assess ...
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HSF Briefs
Spotlight On Accountability II: Accountability Mechanisms
This brief is part of a series that takes ‘accountability’ to its roots by explaining fundamental aspects of the concept, and provides a guide on how to assess ...
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HSF Briefs
Spotlight On Accountability I: The Meaning Of Accountability
This brief is part of a series that takes ‘accountability’ to its roots by explaining fundamental aspects of the concept, and provides a guide on how to assess ...
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HSF Briefs
State of Brutality - a constitutional crisis I: A Good Friday murder
This brief, the first in the series, considers the circumstances leading to the death of Mr Khosa on Good Friday. The brief concludes with an overview of the ...
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State of Brutality - a constitutional crisis II: Law enforcement and the social contract
This brief, the second in the series, considers the social contract underpinning society. The brief concludes by considering the government's view with regard ...
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Submission in response to the Public Administration Management Amendment Draft Bill, 2020
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