HSF rejects finalisation of white paper on citizenship, immigration and refugee protection
The Helen Suzman Foundation (HSF) is dismayed by Cabinet’s decision to adopts as final the White Paper on the Citizenship, Immigration and Refugee Protection: ...
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HSF response: President's statement on POSIB
The Helen Suzman Foundation welcomes the President's decision to send the Protection of State Information Bill back to the National Assembly on the grounds ...
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HSF Statement Re National Shutdown
The call for a national shutdown is not one which we take lightly. Like millions of South Africans we are gatvol of the crises that are of our political ...
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HSF Submission to the Civilian Secretariat
The HSF's response to the Civilian Secretariat for Police's call for comments on the Draft White Paper on the Police.
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In memoriam Charles Simkins
It is with great sadness that the Helen Suzman Foundation has received news of the death of Charles Simkins. He had been in hospital over the past few months ...
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In Memoriam: Advocate George Bizos SC
It is with sadness that we have learned of the passing of Advocate George Bizos SC at the age of 92. George Bizos will forever be remembered as one of South ...
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It was with sadness that we record the passing of Lord Robin Renwick. Since 2004 we have been proud to call Lord Renwick one of our Patrons; a long-standing ...
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In Review: The HSF and the JSC
Last Friday (8 August 2014), the HSF brought an application to compel the Judicial Service Commission ("JSC’’) to release its recorded deliberations. This ...
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Jacob Zuma's private prosecution of Billy Downer and Karyn Maughan set aside
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JOINT PRESS RELEASE FUL AND HSF: Retirement of General Berning Ntlemeza
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