Report back: The 2013 Helen Suzman Memorial Lecture
This brief provides a summary of the 2013 Helen Suzman Memorial Lecture delivered by Justice Zakeria Mohammed Yacoob.
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Service Delivery: What does the Constitutional Court say?
This Brief examines the recent judgment of the Constitutional Court in Rademan v Moqhaka Municipality and Others delivered on 26 April 2013. This case dealt ...
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State of Brutality - a constitutional crisis I: A Good Friday murder
This brief, the first in the series, considers the circumstances leading to the death of Mr Khosa on Good Friday. The brief concludes with an overview of the ...
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State of Brutality - a constitutional crisis II: Law enforcement and the social contract
This brief, the second in the series, considers the social contract underpinning society. The brief concludes by considering the government's view with regard ...
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Take Two: Appointing the Justices of the Constitutional Court
This first of two briefs will consider the process of Constitutional Court appointments. With a focus on the Judicial Service Commission interviews held in ...
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The Constitutional Court And The Electoral Act
The Constitutional Court ruling of 11 June 2020, declared the Electoral Act as unconstitutional to the extent that it requires that adult citizens may be ...
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The Constitutional Court’s ruling against Jacob Zuma - What should we be thankful for?
This brief considers the ruling of the Constitutional Court against Jacob Zuma. The Constitutional Court has reaffirmed that the rule of law will prevail and ...
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The Constitutional Justice Report: Judging The Judges II - Assessment
This is the second part of a two-part brief concerning the Assessment of the Impact of the Decisions of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court of ...
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The Constitutional Justice Report: Judging The Judges? Part I - Context And Main Findings
This is the first part in a two-part brief concerning the “Assessment of the Impact of Decisions in the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court of Appeal on the ...
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The FIC Amendment Bill and the Presidential signature
How long does it normally take for the President to sign a bill?
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