WHEN JUDGES DO METAPHYSICS: Some concerns about the Tshwane street-naming case
In this brief, Matthew Kruger considers the majority judgment of the Chief Justice in the recent Tshwane street-naming case. Whilst acknowledging that ...
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When the United States Economy Sneezes... The likelihood of a “V-shape” Recovery in the United States
The United States generates more than 20 percent of the world's total output and the dollar is the global reserve currency. What happens to its economy will ...
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When Will Parliament Become Fully Operational Again?
In this brief, Charles Simkins highlights some important parliamentary events and questions when the institution will be operational again.
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Whistle-blower Protection: Does South Africa Match Up? - Part II
This brief is the second in a four part series. The first two briefs consider South Africa's legislative provisions for the protection of whistle blowers ...
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Whistle-blower Protection: Does South Africa Match Up? - Part IV
This brief is the fourth in a four part series. The first two briefs consider South Africa's legislative provisions for the protection of whistle blowers ...
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Whistle-blower Protection: Does South Africa Match Up? - Part III
This brief is the third in a four part series. The first two briefs consider South Africa's legislative provisions for the protection of whistle blowers ...
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Whistle-blower Protection: Does South Africa Match Up? - Part I
This brief is the first in a four part series. The first two briefs consider South Africa's legislative provisions for the protection of whistle blowers ...
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Who Are The Hungry Children? And How Far Can Increases In Social Grants Help Them? Evidence From The 2019 General Household Survey.
Hunger, and particularly child hunger, have been discussed recently as a justification for extending the social grant system. This brief probes the ...
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Who decides on Vaccine Mandates?
This brief reviews the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States of America in National Federation of Independent Business et al v Department of ...
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Who Supports The Draft Amendment To Section 25 Of The Constitution?
In this brief, Charles Simkins tracks developments made in the Sixth Parliament to the proposed amendment of section 25 of the Constitution and outlines ...
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