The State Of The South African Refugee Protection Regime: Part III - Party Politics
Asylum has become a battleground for party politics and electioneering.This brief - the third in a three-part series - reviews the asylum policies and ...
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The State of Youth: Part 1 – Perspectives
This Brief is the first in a series examining the state of youth in South Africa.
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The student funding gap and the ‘missing middle’
Anele Mtwesi looks at the current higher education funding crisis and government's inability to address the 'missing middle'.
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The Traditional Courts Bill: Are they getting it right?
This brief discusses the recently published Traditional Courts Bill. Earlier versions of this Bill were introduced in 2008 and 2012, but were withdrawn ...
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The Traditional Courts Bill - a problematic piece of legislation
This brief provides a summary of the Traditional Courts Bill, which was approved by the National Assembly on 12 March 2019. It discusses the place of customary ...
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The trouble at the Health Professions Council of South Africa
This Brief looks at the issues at the Health Professions Council of South Africa as well as discusses the Minister of Health's Ministerial Task Team's Report.
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The UNISA v Afriforum case is a victory for the development of languages in tertiary education
This brief follows the brief titled “Away from colonialism or not? The Constitutional Court is to decide an important Unisa v Afriforum case on language policy ...
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The University Funding System
This brief is the second in a series on university finance. The first was titled “Principles of student financing 101” and it can be found on the HSF website ...
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The World Inequality Lab's A Wealth Tax For South Africa - A Critique II - The Proposal
The first Brief considered the estimation of the distribution of wealth in South Africa as set out in a companion paper to the wealth tax proposal from the ...
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The World Inequality Lab's A Wealth Tax For South Africa - A Critique I - The Distribution Of Wealth
This Brief updates the HSF's 2018 series on wealth taxes by considering the World Inequality Lab’s A wealth tax for South Africa published in 2021.
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