The PIC and GEPF - An Update
This brief is a follow up on the PIC and GEPF briefs published in the second half of last year. It takes a look at the challenges still facing these ...
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The Political Economy Of Corruption
Pierre de Vos published an article entitled Why Ramaphosa is probably not in a position to end corruption and patronage in Daily Maverick on 29 April, drawing ...
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The Political Economy Of The Economic Reconstruction And Recovery Plan
The government’s economic policy cards are on the table. Government policy attempts to achieve two goals simultaneously: to ward off an impending fiscal ...
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The power and the duty of the NPA to prosecute genocidaires, war criminals and other enemies of all humankind – II
In the first brief I explained that the purpose of this series of four briefs is to determine whether the NPA has a duty to prosecute foreign nationals who ...
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The power and the duty of the NPA to prosecute genocidaires, war criminals and other enemies of all humankind – IV
In this final brief I consider two issues. First, is the power afforded to the NPA under section 179(2) of the Constitution discretionary and, if so, what is ...
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The power and the duty of the NPA to prosecute genocidaires, war criminals and other enemies of all humankind - I
This is a series of four briefs. In this series I consider whether the NPA has a duty to prosecute foreign nationals who prima facie appear to have committed ...
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The power and the duty of the NPA to prosecute genocidaires, war criminals and other enemies of all humankind - III
In the first two briefs of this series I outlined the fact that, according to the SALC decision, the SAPS has a duty to investigate allegations of crimes ...
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The President’s Economic Recovery Plan - Some observations
The President announced an economic recovery plan on 20 September. The purpose of this brief is to comment on some of its silences: the absence of important ...
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The Presidential Address To The Nation: 21 April 2020
This brief sets out the key features and implications of the President’s address on 21 April 2020.
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The prospects of legal challenges to the 2021 local government elections
This brief considers the prospects of a successful legal challenge to the 2021 local government elections. It does so by drawing insights from the ...
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