The importance of the outstanding Constitutional Court judgment on the Public Protector’s report on the ABSA/Bankorp affair
This brief is intended to provide background to the Public Protector’s report into the ABSA/Bankorp affair and on the importance of a Constitutional Court ...
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The institutional structure of water resource management
In an effort to effectively manage South Africa’s water resources, the National Water Act makes provision for establishing water institutions that aim to ...
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The institutional structure for delivering water services
The Constitution affords everyone the right to access sufficient water. One way in which the Water Services Act gives effect to this right is by establishing ...
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The JSC: Guarding the Gatekeepers.
This brief raises issues around the JSC methodology.
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The Judicial Battleground
This brief considers the general state of the judiciary and makes the point that given the current judicial and political climate the selection of the next ...
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The July To September Quarterly Labour Force Survey
Production in the South African economy has bounced back quite sharply since July. This Brief explores what the Quarterly Labour Force Survey tells us about ...
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The Justice Administered Fund Bill
This Brief discusses the Justice Administered Fund Bill
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The Life Esidimeni Arbitration: the legal basis for granting the Award
This brief discusses the legal basis for granting R1.2 million in damages to each claimant in the Life Esidimeni Arbitration Award.
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The Life Esidimeni Inquest, Due To Start On 19 July 2021
Five years after the Life Esidimeni tragedy was first uncovered, a formal inquest is being launched by the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA). It is the hope ...
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The Local Elections Government 2021: The Lighter (Or Larger) Side
This brief discusses the 2021 Local Government Elections.
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