The National Development Plan (NDP): The current state of play
This brief summarises the NDP’s main features and looks at the current state of play regarding levels of support for it.
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The National Health Insurance Bill I: The current situation in the health sector and how the NHI Bill proposes to change it
This brief is the first of a series of four on the National Health Insurance Bill (“NHI”). They are based on the submission which the HSF made to Parliament on ...
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The National Health Insurance Bill II: Insufficient detail on crucial aspects of the proposed NHI and its funding
This brief is one of a series of four briefs on the National Health Insurance Bill (“NHI”). Their content is based on the submission which the HSF made to ...
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The National Health Insurance Bill III: Governance and the State’s ability to manage the envisaged NHI
This brief is one of a series of four briefs on the National Health Insurance Bill (“NHI”). Their content is based on the submission which the HSF made to ...
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The National Health Insurance Bill IV: Summary of the HSF’s conclusions on the Bill
This brief is one of a series of four briefs on the National Health Insurance Bill (“NHI”). Their content is based on the submission which the HSF made to ...
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The National Income Dynamics Study’s Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey - The Labour Market In The First And Second Quarters Of 2020
Hard on the heels of the release of the second quarter 2020 (“Q2”) Quarterly Labour Force Survey (“QLFS”) has come the release of the second wave data from the ...
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The NDP’s vision on Education
This brief examines the National Development Plan’s (NDP) vision and policy proposals on the reform of the education sector in South Africa.
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The need to come up with a better plan for TVET colleges
TVET colleges ought to be an integral part of post-schooling in South Africa. This brief explores the current status of these colleges and the environment they ...
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In a land mark study of government in the Third Reich[1] , Ernst Fraenkel distinguished between the normative and positive state. His thesis has been given ...
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The Parliamentary Support Structure
Parliament has an entire support structure comprising of two supporting offices, two branches and an administration. The employees of the support structure are ...
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