The Economy: Adapt or Die III - The Long Term
The first brief in this series considered economic priorities leading up to the 2020 Budget. The second brief discussed priorities for the following two years. ...
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The Effects Of Looting On The South African Health Care System At A Time When It Is Most Needed
In the past week and a half, South African news has been overtaken by reports of violent riots and looting which started in protest to the incarceration of ...
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The Election Timetable
The Electoral Commission published the election timetable on 28 February. This brief sets out its main features and makes some suggestions.
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The Era of Pandemics: Tomorrow's Forever Wars
We are now more than 250 days into our 21-day lockdown, with Ramaphosa and his Command Council claiming for themselves the power to legislate every aspect of ...
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The Expropriation Bill - Why is everyone focusing on expropriation without compensation and not on the major land reform issues?
This brief examines the many problematic aspects on the subject of land reform in South Africa and points out that the proposed amendment to the Constitution ...
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The FIC Amendment Bill and the Presidential signature
How long does it normally take for the President to sign a bill?
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The Forthcoming Municipal Elections - Against The Background Of Local Government Disorder
The current state of local government in South Africa is in a dire state and communities and local businesses are bearing the brunt of failing service delivery ...
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The Future
This brief is the last in a series of six on urban transport and discusses the planned future of the transport system in the five largest metros.
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The Ghost of the SADC Tribunal Comes Back to Haunt Zimbabwe
The sale in execution of property previously owned by the Zimbabwean Government on 21 September 2015 is one of several notable legal developments with respect ...
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The God That Failed was published in 1949. Edited by Richard Crossman, who was later to become a cabinet minister in Labour governments in the United Kingdom, ...
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