Human Settlements In The Metros
This Brief discusses the Department of Human Settlements’ proposed re-orientation of its policies.
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Hunting for Healthcare: In pursuit of the NHI White Paper
This Brief reports on a recent seminar hosted by the Albertina Sisulu Executive Leadership Programme addressing the progress and challenges facing National ...
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Hurtful, Harmful, Hateful: Heeding Qwelane
This is the first of three briefs on hate speech law and it sets out the findings in the judgment of teh Constitutional Court in Qwelane v South African Human ...
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Ignorance of the law is no excuse: A beginner’s guide…
One consequence of the recent litigation engaged in by the HSF – involving the independence of the Hawks as well as the processes adopted in the appointment of ...
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Illicit Financial Flows - Part I: A Primer
This series of briefs examines illicit financial flows in the South African context - and what is being done to stop them.
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Illicit Financial Flows - Part III: Laws And Institutions (Continued)
This series of briefs examines illicit financial flows in the South African context - and what is being done to stop them.
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Illicit Financial Flows: A Primer - Part II: Laws And Institutions
This series of briefs examines illicit financial flows in the South African context - and what is being done to stop them.
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Immunity of heads of states: The Al Bashir case
In both the South African Supreme Court of Appeal and the International Criminal Court, the Al Bashir case centred on immunity enjoyed by heads of state. Both ...
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Impeachment of the Public Protector
This brief explores the implications of the Independent Panel report and concludes that careful consideration of its findings about the Public Protector is ...
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Improved Distribution And Utilization Of Land In Rural Areas - Our Approach
This brief pulls together and summarizes the principles in our approach to the improved distribution and utilization of rural land.
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