How Will The Health System Cope Over The Next Four Years?
This is the fourth of a four brief series on health expenditure in the public and private sectors. The first brief deals with commonly ignored components of ...
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HSF Briefs
HSF back in Court over Hawks Amendments
This Brief outlines the HSF’s impending court challenge over the South African Police Service Amendment Act.
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HSF Briefs
HSF NDP Roundtable: Address by Minister Trevor Manuel
Minister Trevor Manuel's full speech as presented at the Helen Suzman Foundation's roundtable event on the National Development Plan, 4 November 2013.
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HSF Takes JSC to Court: Update
This Brief gives an update on the HSF’s pending court case against the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).
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Human Rights violations in the Kingdom of Eswatini
This brief discusses human rights violations in the Kingdom of Eswatini in terms of domestic and international law. There are two aspects to consider: the use ...
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Human Settlements and Urban Land Reform
This brief summarizes the findings of a recently completed HSF study on human settlements in urban areas.
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Human Settlements In The Metros
This Brief discusses the Department of Human Settlements’ proposed re-orientation of its policies.
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Hunting for Healthcare: In pursuit of the NHI White Paper
This Brief reports on a recent seminar hosted by the Albertina Sisulu Executive Leadership Programme addressing the progress and challenges facing National ...
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Hurtful, Harmful, Hateful: Heeding Qwelane
This is the first of three briefs on hate speech law and it sets out the findings in the judgment of teh Constitutional Court in Qwelane v South African Human ...
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Ignorance of the law is no excuse: A beginner’s guide…
One consequence of the recent litigation engaged in by the HSF – involving the independence of the Hawks as well as the processes adopted in the appointment of ...
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