The particular horror evoked by genocide exists for three main reasons. Genocide is murder at a mass scale, it is usually perpetrated against the defenseless ...
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Golden Handshakes
This brief looks at the extent of golden handshakes in the public sector and legislation governing financial misconduct.
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Gordhan and the Hawks: what the President can do
The President has expressed his 'full support' for Minister Gordhan but claims he can do nothing to defuse the crisis created by the Hawks. He is wrong.
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Governance at the Strategic Fuel Fund
Since press reports first surfaced in May 2016 about the sale of 10 million barrels of crude oil by the Strategic Fuel Fund NPC (SFF) from its strategic ...
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Governing the people: the slide into totalitarianism
The recent statement by President Zuma that the ANC, not the country, comes first is not just, or only, an ordinary political assertion that the ANC is best ...
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Guarantee obligations for the debt of state-owned enterprises, combined with limited economic growth: what threat does this pose for Government finances?
This brief by Anton van Dalsen analyses the dangers which are inherent in lower government revenue (resulting from lower than expected economic growth), ...
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Hand Hygiene During The Covid-19 Epidemic
In an epidemic where so much remains unknown and where fear is widespread, it is important to enable all persons at risk to feel a sense of agency in relation ...
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Has Statistics South Africa Under-Estimated The Employment Recovery?
Many commentators have argued that the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a sharp increase in the unemployment rate, relying solely on Statistics South Africa’s ...
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Has The Supplementary Budget Betrayed The Promise Of A R 500 Billion Stimulus Package?
An Article In Daily Maverick Has Charged That The Supplementary Budget Has Torn The Guts Out Of The Covid-19 Package Announced In April. This Brief Examines ...
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Health Expenditure In The 2019/20 Financial Year
This is the third of a four brief series on health expenditure in the public and private sectors. The first brief deals with commonly ignored components of ...
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